Monday, November 8, 2010

The Rest of the List

In looking back over my posts, it seems I have focused on some items on the list, but perhaps avoiding others.  Maybe "avoid" isn't the right word, but more "putting off."  Or, maybe the right idea is, "haven't taken time for that."  That is probably the most accurate of all - things have been so nutty as I said in October, that I have not taken the time for some of the List items that really matter most.

Last week on Nov. 1, I called a do-over.  I declared the day "Start Over Day."  But come Nov. 3 I had already had to call "Start Over Start Over Day."  And this morning I felt ready to do the same thing, but three start overs seemed sort of pointless.  Then again, I am so grateful for each new day, and for each chance to start over.  We don't get a lot of clean slates in life, but we can create them sometimes if we just are thoughtful about it.  So, I looked back over my list and see the things that are being ignored a bit are the ones I need the most.  So, in the Start Over month of November, I'll hope for posts of a different nature and some items to come back into my life that I really want to experience these days.

I have also added two items to the list.  #35 is to stop interrupting, which so far I am a complete loser on accomplishing -  more on that later (see, I'm even interrupting myself!).  And then there is:

36.  Be grateful every day.

If I would just focus on being grateful every day, I think it would change my life.  Like I said, for every new day (new hour!  new minute!) we have the chance to change and make new decisions.

Last week was a weird week.  I heard lots of bad news from friends.  I know several people in particular that are very sick or suffering this week.  It is a perspective call - one in which I am reminded to be grateful, and in which I am reminded of how much hurt there is in the world, and how much friends are needed.

So, #36 goes hand in hand with:
2.  Help people who really need it.

I hope I can find ways to help my friends right now.  I hope I can change my lousy attitude (that stinkin' thinkin' we all get some times) and be grateful every day - every moment - for the gifts of life and family and friendship that is what gets us through those hard times.

So, I'm thinking on these things today and hoping to bridge that gap in my life during this time.  Let me know if you have ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday I had a young girl approach me at QT and ask for money for gas. She said she was on her way to NC (even though her plates said NJ) and she was with her baby. I was on the phone, said "sorry", got in the van, drove about 5 feet and stopped. I felt the Lord elling me to stop and help her. I got and and found her talking to another friend of mine (keep in mind I was prety far from my "stomping ground") and she was digging our change to help her. I told her I would use my car to get her some gas but I wanted her to know why I was doing it. I told her that God had told me to and shared with her a little about how much he loves her. I drove away thinking how much I had been losing by not helping others and from now on I was going to pray EVERY DAY that someone would come in my path to help. We could donate can goods, toys, visit hospitals, I think the list goes on and on of what we could do. From Michele Yarbrough but for some reason it says Jenna!
